CP/ESGR™ candidates are required to take both pre-recorded and live classes taught by leading faculties from the Sustainable Finance Institute (SFI).
Due to the pandemic and shifting learning paradigm, SFI is bringing all courses online. Candidates now have the options to take online courses or traditional in-person instructions at carefully selected locations*.
As an interactive program, students are held to a high expectation of being active contributors to discussions, as there are expected to be high-profile guest speakers presenting during the training. Students should be prepared to answer questions about assigned case studies and readings.
Active class participation makes up 20% of the certification evaluation score.
* Please contact ESGR@sfini.org for qualified locations in your region.
Candidates often need to spend 50+ hours for extracurricular studies, depending on their prior background in relevant to ESG and reporting. SFI will distribute reading lists and case studies prior to classes. Due to the fast-changing nature of the corporate ESG Reporting landscape, SFI frequently updates cutting-edge reading materials and case studies.
There are no specific requirements for extra curriculum readings. However, such readings and case studies will greatly enhance student knowledge related to their future ESG reporting activities.
The overall objective of this class is to prepare our candidates to apply ESG Reporting skills learned to their work. Students will be required to read ESG reports from a variety of companies related to their industry sectors, regions and/or stock exchanges. They will be asked to write one-page opinions on each case reports.
Students are also required to write their own ESG Report – preferably their own company – using the skills gained throughout the training. Faculty advisors and teaching assistants will be assigned to each candidate to facilitate their ESG reporting excise.
Certification will be provided, based on a minimum achieved grade of 80 out of 100, based on the percentages below, across these three areas:
CSFA™ Standard candidates who score 80 or above will be certified as “Certified Sustainable Finance Analyst™: CSFA Standard” professional.
Since there are a number of varying ESG frameworks and standards, the CP/ESGR™ program will primarily focus on demonstrating use of the GRI, TCFD and SASB frameworks in our trainings, with an eye on developing standards including ISSB.
Nevertheless, at the same time, the program acknowledges candidates’ need for other frameworks/standards based on different industry backgrounds, regions and/or regulations. Thus, in addition to a well-rounded education on primary global ESG standards, the program provides one additional free detailed learning package on another ESG framework/standard of the candidate’s choice.
For candidates who wish to have a deep dive into additional ESG frameworks/standards, additional learning packages, including IIRC, PRI, UN SDG, CDP, CDSB, etc., will be in the form of recorded lessons available for candidate’s purchase on request.
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- What they can do and can’t do.
- An introduction to Green Diamond Platf...
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ESG Reporting and How to drive corporate sustainability transition?
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Professor and TA assisted
Professor and TA assisted
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