The museum building itself will be a living sustainable building that features zero or net zero carbon emissions, full waste recycling, water conservation, fully visible climate impact mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies, and people-centered indoor comfort.
A series of exhibit pavilions
An Eco-friendly, high-tech, people-centered conference center with the capacity to comfortably host 1,000 participants.
Interactive classrooms to provide standard and customized education & training programs for the general public, decision makers, professionals and other interested stakeholders from around the world.
The museum also features a co-working incubation space.
A dedicated, highly advanced business center will also be available for interested financial institutions and corporate sponsors.
Dedicated office area for collaborative institutions such as the UN, UNDP, UN Environment, UN PRI, C40, WWF and other NGOs and Foundations.
Professional services area also will be featured for third-party services including green bond certification services, credit ratings, third-party labelling services and more.
Travel exhibition space also available
And function areas will include specialized retail & gift shops, coordinated Food & Beverage areas, museum management offices and workshops, etc.
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